Proven SEO Link Building Techniques to Boost Up Your Website Traffic

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The best way to increase the number of visitors to your website is to improve its ranking in search engine results. The more Google traffic you receive, the more business you will receive. However, how do you boost your domain authority and rankings?

Experts agree that one of the most important steps to take is to use effective SEO link-building techniques. So, if you're looking for SEO link-building techniques to boost your website's ranking in search engines in 2023, you've come to the right place.

Best SEO Link Building Techniques

For SEO link-building techniques, check out the given list below:

Use Strategic Guest Blogging

Is guest blogging extinct? Both yes and no!

The outdated practice of mass guest blogging to build links is no longer viable. You should not publish an article on a site that lacks authority and is irrelevant to your niche just to get a backlink. This type of guest blogging is insufficient. The search engines are aware that your guest blogging is not intended to add value.

According to a 2021 survey, 60% of bloggers write between one and five guest posts per month. You must be genuine and strategic to reap the benefits of guest blogging. Make sure you're creating unique content for the other site that's relevant, authoritative, and appealing to your target audience. Higher search engine rankings will result from strategic guest blogging.

Keyword Research

If you want others to find your content and link to it, it may seem obvious, but you must first determine what keywords people are searching for on Google. This information is accessible through paid tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs, as well as free tools such as Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest, which will help you discover what people are searching for.

Instead of optimizing your content for high-volume, difficult-to-rank primary keywords, try using easy-to-rank long-tail keywords in the form of questions, as this will allow you to provide a great deal of value while ranking higher. This helps to improve the crawl rate in SEO.

Use Keywords In Anchor Text

Have you identified a link-building opportunity for your website? Congrats!

However, when creating links to your website, be sure to include keywords in the anchor text - the text that is hyperlinked to your content.

This will increase your website's relevance and rank in search engines such as Google. In other words, this increases the likelihood that other websites will link to your resources, pages, and articles because they are more likely to research the top five articles.

Create and Distribute Infographics

Infographics are utilized by 56% of businesses, and of those that do, 84% believe they are effective in communicating their messages. Infographics are useful even in this day and age and can be a significant contributor to the success of your link-building strategy.

The advantage of using infographics is that they will consistently drive organic traffic to your blog and earn you quality links even if you don't specifically ask for them. Infographics help your blog to rank high on SERP.

Create Share-Worthy Content

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build links to your website. It is also one of the most cost-effective means of communicating with the entire world. If you want to attract more customers, you should consider incorporating content marketing into your business strategy.

Additionally, ensure that your content is pertinent. The most essential aspect of any link-building campaign is the caliber of your content. People will not share irrelevant content with their audiences, and your links will be ineffective. Publish only content that people want to read if you wish to build links.

Get Active on Social Media

Ahrefs recently completed a case study on link building. They received links from five states where they had not previously conducted outreach as a result of their social media efforts.

Social media networks have transformed marketing and can be a huge help with your guest posting and link-building efforts. Your brand will suffer if you are not active on social media. To increase your activity, share new posts, images, and updates. Posting it in additional social media locations will help your followers find what they're looking for.

Even if you're new to social media, participating is a simple way to boost engagement. As a result, your brand and website will be seen by more people, and they may share your best content with their target audience. This will improve your overall visibility and link profile.

Perform Broken Link Building

Broken link building, or BLB, is a technique that helps secure links on resource pages by identifying broken links and recommending your post as a replacement. Once you've created your piece of content, the majority of the work is completed for you, making it a relatively simple way to earn links.

You will need to compose a guide on a topic pertinent to your website to acquire links that demonstrate your expertise and serve as a replacement for the broken link. As an example, as a content marketing agency, compiling a list of free data sources will be useful for other content creators looking to add relevant statistics to their work.


There are, in reality, many reasons to engage in link-building. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a novice, you've likely heard the term "link building" bandied about, but you may be unsure of what it is, how it can benefit you, and what strategies you should employ.

Try out these SEO link-building techniques to boost your website traffic. The best thing you can do as you prepare to embark on your link-building journey is subscribe to our blog for more actionable, hack-filled articles.

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John Fernandes

John Fernandes

John Fernandes is content writer at YourDigiLab, An expert in producing engaging and informative research-based articles and blog posts. His passion to disseminate fruitful information fuels his passion for writing.