How to Improve Website Speed & Why Fast Loading Matters?

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Most of us have experienced a situation where we visit our website looking for a product but the page takes forever to load. Frustrated, we immediately hit the back button to find a better competitor instead. It is known as a normal customer behavior that approximately half of today's online population owns.

According to studies, more than 40% of users abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. This is because, nowadays, the attention span for most people is nearly zero. No matter if you are the owner of an online store or a corporate website, time is money. Even a single secretary can negatively impact the reputation of your brand by annoying visitors which leads to lower conversions and higher bounce rates.

It proves that website speed is a point of concern for every online business today.  While others may hire web developers to load their websites faster, you can spare a few minutes and dive deeper into this article. We have discussed a few tips through which you can optimize your website for speed and performance.  Besides keeping customers engaged, it will also boost your revenue and help your business grow.

Because the blog revolves around website speed optimization, let us understand why fast clothing websites are successful.

Why Does Fast Loading Matter?

The fast loading of a website is not just about customer satisfaction. It directly impacts business growth.  Because page speed is considered a ranking factor by Google, fast loading has become an utter requirement for every business. Moreover, a report by Amazon Web Services explains that a delay of 100 milliseconds in the load time can cost Amazon approximately 1% of its overall revenue.

Another report explains that our delay of one second can reduce the conversion rate by 7%, decrease page views by 11%, and drop the customer satisfaction rate by 16%.  Below we have mentioned 4 prominent reasons that are enough to explain the importance of fast loading.

  • It Enhances User Experience

As mentioned earlier, a single-second delay in loading time directly impacts customer satisfaction.  Businesses must understand that visitors expect every website to load instantly.

Having a fast-loading website helps to keep users engaged and results in an increase in session duration. Also, it is a great way to reduce bounce rates.

  • It Improves Search Engine Ranking

We are well aware of the fact that Google considers page speed as a ranking factor. This way, having a faster website increases your chance of appearing at the top of search engine page results. 

Having a slow website can negatively impact the basic metrics of a website. As a result, you can lose your S ERP rankings at a glance.

  • It Increases Sales And Conversions.

When talking about e-commerce platforms, page speed directly impacts revenue. According to a report, a delay of nearly 2 seconds can increase the chances of cart abandonment to 87%.

Faster websites, on the other hand, satisfy users and encourage them to make a purchase. Also, such platforms lead to more sign-ups than others.

  • It Leads To Mobile-Friendliness

Statista reports that approximately 60% of web traffic is generated through mobile devices. Unlike desktop users, smartphone users are more fond of fast-performing websites.

Platforms that have a slower speed often lead to bounce rates. That is why having a fast-loading website is necessary. 

Looking to speed up your website now? Start today before you lose loyal customers! 
Get started now! 

How to Measure Website Speed?

By now, you must have understood the importance of improving website speed.  However, it is important to know whether your website requires a speed improvement or not. Experts recommend using a few tools that can help to analyze a website's performance.

  • PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is a website performance testing tool by Google through which owners can easily analyze their platforms loading time,  responsiveness, and stability.  Most people use it for free speed audits to know whether their website requires improvement or not.

  • GTmetrix

GTmetrix is another popular and free tool that helps to get a detailed analysis of your website's performance.  

It takes help from Google Page Speed and YSlow Guidelines to analyze the overall speed of a platform.  Also, experts use this tool to get details about the front end of the website.

  • Pingdom

Pingdom is a cost-effective tool that can be used to calculate the page load speed of a website.  It helps to analyze and monitor the uptime performance of your platform across more than 70 global polling stations.

This way, website owners can check the performance and speed of their websites in different areas all over the world.

Steps to Improve Website Speed

  • Optimize Images

Image optimization is one of the finest ways through which you can improve the speed of your website. Website owners can start by compressing large image files while making sure not to compromise on their quality.  Most people recommend using tools like ImageOptim and TinyPNG for this task.

Many experts also recommend using the WebP format for images as it offers better compression than any other format like PNG or JPEG.  Moreover, websites also have an option of lazy loading that you can enable through which images load only when the visitors scroll towards it.

Do not worry about losing visitors anymore. Compress your slow images now!
 Get started today!

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A content delivery network is responsible for storing all the copies of your website OK on multiple servers globally. This way, when a user visits your website, it delivers content from the closest server making sure to decrease the load time.

Most people invest in recognized CDN platforms like Cloudflare and AWS CloudFront. Website owners must understand that knowing the common challenges and fixes before launching a new platform directly impacts business growth.

  • Upgrade Hosting Services

Website owners working through a shared hosting plan can prefer upgrading their platforms to VPS. Also, many professionals switch to dedicated hosting or look for a managed hosting provider for better website performance.

After going through a detailed analysis of different providers all over the web, we recommend users try Site Ground or WP engine. These hosting platforms have promising results in improving website speed and enhancing performance.

  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

While others are debating while others are busy debating on TypeScript Vs. JavaScript, we are looking for ways through which we can reduce the size of their codes. It is because these files directly impact website speed and having unnecessary spaces comments or characters in the code increases load time.

If you are looking to improve your JavaScript code, you can try using UglifyJS for better results.  Similarly, to streamline your CSS code, use the tools CSSNano.

  • Enable Browser Caching

Browser caching is one of the most common ways through which a browser can store a user's frequently accessed data. This way, when a user tries to visit your website again, the page loads quicker and offers a better experience as far as the user history and preferences.

You can install different WordPress plugins to enable browser caching or customize the feature by connecting with your hosting provider. 

  • Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip compression is a popular way through which website owners can reduce the size of their files by compressing them. Apache is one of the popular servers that support this type of compression.

Most often, the server configuration owns this option through which you can enable Gzip. Also available are a variety of CMS plugins to help you compress your website files.

  • Optimize Your Database

Experts always recommend optimizing your database for battery performance. It is one of the finest ways through which you can keep your platform seamless and efficient.

For WordPress website owners, we recommend using the WP Optimize plugin.  This tool is used by most people as it helps to clean unnecessary data, which may include spam comments or revising posts.

  • Reduce Redirects

Always make sure to perform a detailed audit of your website structure as it is the finest way to cut down redirects. For those who do not know, every website redirect creates an additional HTTP  request.

This results in slowing down your website and increasing load time. By ensuring to reduction of redirects, you can directly boost website speed.

Advanced Tips for Speed Optimization

  • Switch to a Lightweight Theme

To optimize the speed of your website, try looking for a lightweight theme. This is because heavy teams that implement complex code can directly impact the speed of your platform and slow down performance.  Themes with fewer lines of code and a lightweight visual appeal can be the right choice.

  • Use Asynchronous Loading

For all the JavaScript files on your website, try to enable asynchronous loading. It is the easiest way through which you can prevent these files from blocking other content elements of your web page. To do so, Try adding the async or defer attribute to your website script tags. It is a helpful option for non-critical JavaScript files.

  • Leverage Critical CSS

Loading CSS content on your entire web page takes time and reduces the website speed. For this reason, you can use tools like critical path CSS generator. It will help to deliver the particular CSS required for above-the-fold content on your website. Later on, the remaining CSS can load once the website is rendered successfully.

Advanced Tips for Speed Optimization

  • Switch to a Lightweight Theme

To optimize the speed of your website, try looking for a lightweight theme. This is because heavy teams that implement complex code can directly impact the speed of your platform and slow down performance.  Themes with fewer lines of code and a lightweight visual appeal can be the right choice.

  • Use Asynchronous Loading

For all the JavaScript files on your website, try to enable asynchronous loading. It is the easiest way through which you can prevent these files from blocking other content elements of your web page. To do so, try adding the async or defer attribute to your website script tags. It is a helpful option for non-critical JavaScript files.

  • Leverage Critical CSS

Loading CSS content on your entire web page takes time and reduces the website speed. For this reason, you can use tools like critical path CSS generator. It will help to deliver the particular CSS required for above-the-fold content on your website. Later on, the remaining CSS can load once the website is rendered successfully.

Final Thoughts

Finally, it is important for individuals to understand that website speed is not just all the technical aspects. It lies among some of the basic elements through which your business can grow successfully. By making sure to have a fast-loading website, you can improve user experience and reduce bounce rates.

Experts consider it a great way to boost conversions and enhance search engine page rankings. By making sure to follow the guide and this blog, website owners can boost their website speed and performance. Get ready to optimize your website today and feel free to share your reviews in the comments below. Let us know the difference in your website before and after applying these steps.

Do not wait any more before it is too late to improve your website traffic and generate higher revenue. Get in touch with our web development company for high-impact optimization and growth enablement at YourDigiLab.

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John Fernandes

John Fernandes

John Fernandes is content writer at YourDigiLab, An expert in producing engaging and informative research-based articles and blog posts. His passion to disseminate fruitful information fuels his passion for writing.