How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Mobile App in 2024? A Detailed Guide

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This is a typical corporate issue. You make the decision to create a fresh app for smartphones. However, there is an abundance of information regarding mobile app development costs as soon as you begin your study. 
It's true that there is a ton of information on this subject on the internet. Furthermore, why not? Mobile app downloads are very popular. In fact, 257 billion apps were downloaded globally in a single year as of late. 

Thus, as a businessperson, you would also want to take advantage of this promising market. In situations such as these, having trustworthy data regarding app design costs might be beneficial. 
We shall address the subject of "mobile app development cost" in this blog. Without further ado, let's get started.

Quick Look at the Price of Developing Mobile Apps 

The cost of building an iOS or Android application is arbitrary. The final quote is influenced by various factors. However, if you want a quick response we can provide you with a wider range.

The price range for app design is often between $20,000 and $250,000. However, if your application is very complex, the final price may exceed $250,000.

It is important for businesses to understand this limitation. This way, you can make a wise decision and accurately estimate how much mobile app development will cost.

Detailed Analysis of Pricing by OS Platforms

Development costs may vary based on your preferred operating system. Let's examine the cost of developing an iOS and Android application.

Do you not understand the meaning of each form of application? Now let's separate them.

1.    iOS App Development Cost

An iOS application is a type of mobile software designed primarily for the iPhone operating system, which interacts natively with the device's main component. Tools like XCode, Objective-C, and Swift are used to build these apps.

The average cost iOS app development can vary from $75,000 to $500,000, depending on how intricate and complex each concept is.

2.    Android App Development Cost

These are mobile apps designed specifically to work on Google's Android operating system, as their name suggests. They collaborate with parts of the OS to provide users with the best possible experience.

These applications are built with Java and Kotlin. Depending on software complexity, legal requirements and other elements, the average cost of Android App Development app can range from $70,000 to $500,000.

3.    Hybrid App Development Cost

A single codebase is used to build hybrid mobile applications, which work well on both iOS and Android smartphones. Apps like React Native, Ionic, Flutter, NativeScript etc. are built with these tools.

The average cost to develop an app for cross-platform mobile application is $700,000 to $90,000. The location and nationality of the development team affects the cost of app development in addition to the type of OS. 

App Development Team Cost: What is Best? Hiring a Team or Freelancer

Have you finalized the decision of making a mobile application, here come one important question “How much does it cost to hire an app developer”? Below is some point to address this question. The team you choose to build the app with is a major factor in the cost of mobile app development. Choosing the right development team is crucial as it offers many benefits. It delivers high-quality projects, so here are some professional tips for choosing a development partner.

1.    In-House Team

Build an internal team of app developers to collaborate with your business. The software was developed as directed by the management, and the corporation paid for it. Hiring a house team has variable costs that depend on a number of factors.

•    Full-stack developers: $180,000 per year.
•    Designer: $150,00 per year.
•    Developers of native mobile apps: $170,000.

2.    Freelancer

For a modest project, hiring freelancers to develop the app quickly is an option. In order to oversee the project and guide it through appropriate project situations, communication will be essential.

Freelancers can be hired in two different ways: first, on a contract basis, and second, on an hourly basis. Depending on the country, the average cost to develop an app is based on the freelancer's hourly rate. Here are some examples:

•    UK: $110 / hour
•    USA: $130 / hour
•    South America: $60 / hour
•    Europe: $70 / hour

3.    Outsourcing

You can hire a business to handle the overall architecture and help design your app from scratch if you want to outsource mobile apps development.

Especially for MVP development, outsourcing the building of apps is really beneficial. Cost-effectiveness, superior products, quick delivery, an open development process, and compliance with legal requirements all benefit.

In order to properly execute the app development process from the discovery stage to the live stage, future stages are used. Again, the development team's decision to proceed with app development can directly affect each factor.

Mobile App Development Cost Analysment Chart

To make things easier, we've created a number of tables that break down app design costs into separate categories. Without further ado, let's get started with this helpful knowledge.

Cost of App Development Based on Complexity Level

Level of Complexity

Mobile App Development Cost Approx. Range







Cost of App Development Based on Types

Type of App

Mobile App Development Cost Approx. Range

Social Media










Cost of App Development Based on Stages


Mobile App Development Cost Approx. Range

Design and Ideation


UX Design


UI Design




Animations & Illustrations


Mobile App Development Cost by Technology you need to Integrate 

The distribution of applications by technology can be seen as follows:

1.    React Native App Development Cost

A mobile JavaScript application with a single code base that works on both iOS and Android devices is called a React Native app. These applications offer native-like performance, declarative syntax, hot reloading, reusable components, and smooth cross-platform performance. The cost of React Native app development starts at $20,000 and goes up to $150,000.

2.    Flutter App Development Cost

Flutter app development can range from $15,000 to $200,000, depending on the scale of the project, target market and financial constraints. In fact, building a filter app with basic functionality will cost you between $8000 and $60,000. The price range for a mid-level complex filter app is between $60,000 and $120,000. A high-complexity, multi-integration filter will set you back between $140,000 and $200,000.

3.    Swift App Development Cost

Swift app development aims to use the Swift programming language to build native iOS applications. Average cost of iOS app development using Swift software with advanced functionality designed specifically for iOS devices range from $10,000 to $250,000 or more.

4.    Fintech Mobile App Development Cost

Developing a bespoke FinTech app for secure online transactions can cost up to $40,000 and take three to four months. However, a basic banking app can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000. A FinTech app with the latest features and the latest technology can cost between $50,000 and $90,000. A very complex financial software can cost $200,000 or more, so budget accordingly.

Types of Apps Cost

The type of application being developed can significantly affect how much it costs to develop. For example, it is usually necessary to develop mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms, which can increase complexity and costs. Generally, there are many types of mobile app and there is different cost for each type. Let’s discuss them in detail. 

1.    Fitness App Development Cost

Users of fitness applications can track their exercise regimen, meal planning and other activities in addition to their sports goals. Depending on how complex the features of the app are, designing a fitness app can have different costs.

Depending on the cost of developing a fitness app, a basic fitness app can actually run you between $30,000 and $50,000 or more.

2.    Food Delivery App

Of all your worries, we know that the cost of building an app is the highest. You know, typical development costs for food delivery apps, range from $40,000 to $200,000. Still, many things can affect the price.

3.    Grocery App Development Cost

The process of building a grocery app can be difficult and involves many factors, including platform, functionality, design, etc. The average cost to develop an app for grocery delivery ranges from $30,000 to $55,000 depending on the platform (iOS or Android). However, the exact price may vary based on the hourly charges charged by the mobile app development business of your choice.

4.    Mobile Banking App Development Cost

The price range for developing a mobile banking app is between $30,000 to $300,000. The app's complexity, feature set, UI/UX design, developer hourly rate, location of the app development company, and other factors can all influence how much an app will ultimately cost.

5.    Real Estate App Development Cost

Undoubtedly, over the past few decades, the real estate sector has grown exponentially. Benefits of these types of applications include virtual tours, payment gateway security, property listings, and search filters. These are the top real estate apps for realtors.

The price range for a beginner real estate app is often between $40,000 and $80,000. On the other hand, more sophisticated apps with features like additional real estate property tours, mortgage calculators, and property value estimators can cost more. Such real estate software can set you back $100,000 to $250,000 or more.

6.    Healthcare App Development Cost

If you are considering investing in the healthcare sector and looking for the cost of developing a healthcare app, it ranges from $10,000 to $60,000.

The cost of an app for a basic clinical application can range from $5,000 to $100,000. However, an app with only the most basic functions, such as order and payment processing, inventory management, offline and online support, can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000.

7.    eCommerce Mobile App Development Cost

Product listings, customer reviews, shopping carts, and payment gateways with data security are all features of e-commerce apps. These apps are actually a great way to earn big money. Thus, it makes sense to invest in this rapidly expanding sector. The average cost of designing an e-commerce app ranges from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on several factors.

How Much Time Does It Take To Develop An App?

No one could imagine living in 2023 without a smartphone and the apps that come with it. It won't be long before everyone stops using phone applications for things like accounting services, delivery, car sharing and entertainment.

The time required to build a mobile application varies. Thus, entrepreneurs need to be aware of how much time a project will take from inception to completion. How much time does it take to develop an app? It takes at least 6 months to develop a mobile application. It lists the discovery phase as a necessary project step, as it can be risky to develop a project further without it.

Later there will still be many steps to figure out. If you want to create a useful and relevant product, it would be wise to have a dedicated team of app developers with you.

How Can I Lower The App Development Cost? 

The cost of developing an app can be reduced by working with a talented and reasonably priced development team, focusing on essential functionality, and using pre-built templates or frameworks. It's also important to accurately define and define your app's requirements to keep costs down.

Final Thoughts

The average cost to develop an app is a personal choice. There is no fixed amount of time to build any kind of smartphone application. However, while managing cost-related tasks, you can always understand the cost range. Developing a mobile application usually requires a minimum investment of $20,000. These fees can exceed $250,000 depending on features and complexity.

Operating system, application category, complexity, tech stack, and IT vendor are some of the variables that affect the cost of designing and developing a mobile application. So, before starting a new app development project, make sure you are aware of all these issues.

You can reduce the mobile app development cost to some extent by planning your project well, choosing the right technology, managing your staff well, and implementing cost reduction strategies. can do However, to create a premium software that survives in today's cutthroat market, you have to allocate a certain amount of money.

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Ramsha Irfan

Ramsha Irfan

Ramsha is a talented writer known for top-quality content on trending topics. Her excellence in research enables her to add value to businesses by driving online traffic with engaging and persuasive content.