Gemini Pro VS Gpt 4: Which AI Creation Tool is Better

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What is the current state of the AI market? Is artificial intelligence just a catchphrase at this point? Though, that's no longer the case. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been the talk of the town for the past ten years and it's only going to get better and more widely accepted. Processes in several industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, banking and retail, are gradually incorporating AI.

These days artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be a necessity for any technology that wants to succeed. Ten years ago, machine learning could only be used for tasks of dubious utility, such as generating sentences or identifying objects in pictures. As creative AI continues to rise to new heights today—and with potentially more advancements in store—Google has entered the fray with Gemini AI, a “multimodal” model.

What is the purpose of Gemini AI? What makes it different from ChatGPT and especially from other AI models?

The Intensifying Competition Within The AI World

The data clearly shows how fast the field of artificial intelligence is developing: 35% of enterprises currently employ AI, including 68% of healthcare organizations, 63% of IT and telecom. work industries, and 72% retailers. 84% of multinational corporations believe that AI will boost their expansion and give them a competitive edge. The AI market is expected to grow rapidly, reaching $305 billion in 2024 and $738 billion by 2030.

The same is true of generative AI. According to a Gartner survey, nearly 70 percent of corporate executives are currently researching how to implement artificial intelligence (AI) in their companies. Also, over the next ten years, the GenAI market will grow from $40 billion to a staggering $1.3 trillion in 2022, according to a recent analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence.

There is no doubt about the rapid development of AI technology. Rivalry among tech businesses is also fierce, especially for those who have previously made significant investments in AI R&D. What are its effects? In other words, greater competition increases the likelihood of innovation, higher quality, and lower costs.

Because of this, the tech community was very excited when OpenAI launched its generative AI model GPT in late 2022. Industry insiders expressed concern over OpenAI's potential monopoly. After all, ChatGPT achieved 100 million users in just two months. In the history of consumer Internet apps, it was a first. For example, Instagram took two years to reach a comparable milestone.

Since GPT-4 had no clear competitor, fears grew that OpenAI would dominate and stagnate the GenAI sector. This was particularly worrisome because OpenAI had already chosen to charge GPT-4 for enterprise-level work fifty times more than GPT-3.5 and Meta's Llama 2. Just when it seems like OpenAI has it all, Google released Gemini AI, an interesting tool.

What is Google’s Gemini?

It's not only about who arrives first in the field of artificial intelligence (AI); it's about who does it better. Google's Gemini has gained attention because to its claims of having cutting-edge features. However, what exactly is Google's Gemini?

  • Ultra-Model: The strongest of the group, the Ultra Model is reputed to be performance- and scalability-optimized.
  • Pro Model: Google's leading AI contender is already operational within Bard.
  • Nano Versions: The thinnest competitors with remarkable summarizing and comprehension benchmarks, tailored for on-device applications.

These titles aren't just for show; they stand for distinct AI skill levels targeted at diverse applications, ranging from agile on-device helpers to cloud-based behemoths. However, when will we see these in use? While the Pro version is currently interacting with developers and businesses, the Nano is ready for implementation, and the Ultra is scheduled for a spectacular reveal early next year. 

After this, you might ask this: "What makes Gemini's Pro model a standout in today's AI landscape?". Let's dissect it, then: 

  • Multimodal Training: Gemini goes beyond text-based refinement, in contrast to GPT-4. It can work with text, photos, audio, and video, making it a jack of all trades. 
  • Architecture: Enhanced for large-scale training and optimized inference, but built on the shoulders of titans, the Transformer decoders.
  • Context Length: 32k tokens make up its impressive context length. In context, that might be likened to recalling the opening remarks of an incredibly lengthy conversation. 
  • Dataset: With a careful eye on data quality and safety, this enormous collection includes books, web pages, code, and even non-Latin scripts.

GPT-4: Is Still The Best AI Tool?

However, GPT-4 is like that trusty friend that has always been there. It is well-developed, widely accessible, and tested in a range of settings. What exactly does it add to the table though?

  • Maturity: It has been tested and has produced accurate and consistent text in the past.
  • Availability: The GPT-4 is here and ready to be added to your projects, unlike the Gemini illusion.
  • Context Understanding: GPT-4 has demonstrated its ability to keep up with complex conversations by demonstrating the ability to preserve context during long exchanges.

But then, "Does the maturity of GPT-4 translate to a performance advantage?" becomes relevant. At this point, things start to get interesting.

When we get into the details and examine the performance metrics and benchmarks, the scene starts to change. Based on the data, the Gemini seems to be the new kid on the block with some impressive tricks, while the GPT-4 has the advantage of being a more established product.

So how do we interpret all this data? Now let's go with a complete comparison.

Of course, let's move on to the following section, making sure to include the image data in tabular form to provide a clear comparison.

Benchmark Performances: Comparison Analysis

1.  General Reasoning and Comprehension








Multitask Language Understanding

Big-Bench Hard



Multi-Step Reasoning Task




Reading Comprehension




Commonsense Reasoning for Everyday Tasks

Verdict: In general reasoning and comprehension challenges, Gemini outperforms the GPT-4, demonstrating its strong comprehension across multiple data sets.

2.  Mathematical Reasoning 








Basic Arithmetic and Grade School Math Problems




Advance Math Problems

Verdict: The GPT-4 Turbo outperforms the Gemini 1.5 Pro in Mathematical Reasoning, indicating its sophisticated understanding of advanced mathematical ideas for tackling difficult problems.

3.  Code Generation








Python Code Generation




Python Code Generation, New Dataset

Verdict: Less than 5% of code generation benchmarks show that GPT-4 Turbo leads, demonstrating its superior comprehension and code generation—an important skill for developers.

4.  Image Understanding








Natural Image Understanding

Text VQA



OCR on Natural Images




Document Understanding




Multi-Discipline Reasoning Problems

Verdict: In image recognition tests, GPT-4 Turbo outperforms Gemini, especially in TextVQA, where GPT-4 outperforms Gemini by 4.5%, which is better at interpreting visual data and demonstrates its sophisticated ability to react to.

5.  Video Understanding








English Video Captioning

Perception Test MCQA



Video Question Answering

Verdict: In terms of video understanding, Gemini 1.5 Pro outperforms GPT-4 Turbo, demonstrating its ability in content creation and analysis from video data.

6.  Audio Processing





CoVoST 2



Automatic Speech Translation




Automatic Speech Recognition

Verdict: Gemini 1.5 Pro outperforms GPT-4 Turbo with significant improvements in audio processing (up to 10%), demonstrating better understanding and translation of spoken language.

Gemini Pro Vs GPT-4: Writing Tool Comparison

It is important to assess your individual needs when choosing between Gemini Pro and GPT-4 as your AI authoring tool.

If you value an intuitive user interface and smooth navigation, Gemini Pro might be the best option for you. Beginners can get interested in AI-powered content development easily and without getting overwhelmed thanks to its user-friendly design.

On the other hand, if you are looking for advanced technology and better capabilities, GPT-4 might be the best choice. The exceptional natural language processing skills of this tool enable it to generate high-quality content on a variety of topics with remarkable accuracy.

Your choice should be based on things like your overall goals for using an AI writing tool, desired functionality, and budget constraints. Before making a final decision, consider trying both to see which one best suit your needs.

Performance Analysis: Gemini Pro Vs GPT-4

The culmination of Google's AI research and development is Gemini Pro, which the company unveiled on December 6, 2023. It is a flexible multimodal AI that can handle text, image, video and audio input in addition to being a language model. Gemini Pro outperformed GPT-4 in the reasoning and math benchmarks and proved more efficient in code generation and problem-solving tasks.

Data Sets and Experiments: Gemini Pro Vs GPT-4

Recent research by Stanford and Meta researchers evaluated the capabilities of Gemini Pro, GPT-3.5 Turbo, and GPT-4 Turbo on twelve common-sense reasoning datasets, including multimodal and general, professional, and social reasoning data. Sets are included. Overall, the performance of the Gemini Pro was found to be marginally slower than the GPT-4 Turbo and the GPT-3.5 Turbo.

Real World Applications: Gemini Pro Vs GPT-4

Gemini Pro has a wide range of real-world uses. It powers Google Bard and is accessible to developers and enterprises through Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform and Gemini API. Thanks to AI Studio's open access to the model, developers can explore and incorporate its capabilities into a wide variety of applications.

Alongside the Gemini API, Google recently unveiled a series of generative AI tools, such as Imagen 2 and Duet AI. Imagen 2, a sophisticated text-to-image diffusion technology, and MedLM, a foundation model suitable for the healthcare sector, indicate Google's dedication to expanding the use of AI in other domains. The potential use cases of AI in application development and cybersecurity are further expanded by Duet AI, accessible to developers and security operations.

Ending Verdict: GPT-4 Vs Gemini AI, Which One is Better?

After finishing our testing of Google's Gemini and OpenAI's GPT-4, several points stand out. First, whoever has more parameters or can analyze data faster will not be enough in the future of artificial intelligence. The question is "Which AI can most effectively augment human effort?".

Here's what we found:

Gemini Pro: Impressive benchmark scores indicate that Gemini has promise, especially in multimodal activities.

GPT-4: Because of its established presence and track record, GPT-4 is reliable and immediately applicable.

But the debate does not end here. A more complete picture will be painted as both models' practical utility, user experience, and unexpected uses increase in popularity. As Gemini and GPT-4 compete to influence the future of AI, we currently find ourselves at an interesting juncture.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Is Gemini superior to GPT-4?

A: Depending on the task, Gemini and GPT-4 work differently. GPT-4 is strong in language comprehension and consistency, while Gemini is strong in multimodal and speech recognition tasks.

Q: Does GPT-4 have more power than ChatGPT?

A: Compared to ChatGPT, GPT-4 is a more sophisticated and powerful model that performs better on a variety of tasks and has a larger training data set and better context understanding.

Q: Does OpenAI build GPT-4?

A: Yes, OpenAI is the company behind the GPT-4, the fourth model in their line of generative pre-trend transformers (GPTs).

Q: Does Bard use Gemini now?

A: The Gemini Pro model powers Bard, Google's conversational AI service, which adds the latest AI features to the platform.

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John Fernandes

John Fernandes

John Fernandes is content writer at YourDigiLab, An expert in producing engaging and informative research-based articles and blog posts. His passion to disseminate fruitful information fuels his passion for writing.